Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

Pirate Code - PVP Battles at Sea (Unreleased) APK

Pirate Code - PVP Battles at Sea (Unreleased) APK
Pirate Code - PVP Battles at Sea (Unreleased) APK - merupakan salah satu Game khusus buat HP Android ataupun sejenisnya yang berkategori Action Game dan dirilis oleh developper Codex7 Games ini memiliki tampilan grafik yang cukup bagus serta memiliki berbagai fitur - fitur keren yang terdapat di dalamnya. Game Pirate Code - PVP Battles at Sea (Unreleased) Terbaru ini kamu nantinya akan disuguhkan dengan game bertampilan grafik modern sehingga akan membuat kamu tidak bosan saat memainkannya dan akan membuat kamu semakin seru saat memainkanny tentunya.

•Take part in five versus five, on-line, naval battles on an epic scale
•Choose one of twelve mighty ships into battle from the dreaded Obsidian, the swift Dragon Boat to the mighty Flying Dutchman
•Choose from one of ten seafaring captains each with their own powerful ability; Vasco De Gama’s lethal fireball, Billiy’s mighty energy wave, Hattori’s cunning invisibility shield, and Catalina’s fearsome frost arrow!
•Different combinations of captain, skill and ship allow you to deploy multiple strategies to conquer the high seas!
•Prepare for battle with enhanced armour, cannons or torpedoes before taking to the high seas
•Join a fleet and battle for collective glory, or play on your own as a lone shark!
•Unleash all manner of attacks on the enemy fleet from frost beams, shark attacks, and fireballs or be more strategic with healing and invisibility skills
•Complete a series of maritime missions and win precious gold!
•Dominate one of three maps to claim victory

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