Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android

V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android
V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android
V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android - merupakan salah satu Aplikasi khusus buat HP Android ataupun Tablet yang berkategori Entertinment App dan dirilis oleh developper NAVER Corp ini memiliki berbagai macam fitur - fitur keren yang terdapat di dalamnya. V – Live Broadcasting App APK ini kamu dapat menggunakan sebagai aplikasi tervavorite khususnya para K-Popers aplagi yang suka liat biasnya LIVE pasti sudah tau kegunaan aplikasi, yak langsung saja.. dengan aplikasi ini kamu dapat melihat artis idola kamu live dan kamu juga dapat mencari idola kamu di aplikasi ini. Nahhh seru bukan!!! daripada terus penasaran langsung saja Download V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android Terbaru pada link yang sudah tersedia di bawah artikel ini.

* Follow Celebs
Pick your favorite celebs and follow them. You can receive the notifications of upcoming broadcasts of celebs you follow on V. The more you watch the videos of a celeb, the higher you get "Chemi-beat" for the celeb.

* Popular Channels

* Upcoming
You can see the schedule for all upcoming broadcasts on V. Don't miss the broadcast with your favorite celebs!

* Popular
In the Popular tab, you can see the most popular videos on V. Videos containing a lot of hearts are automatically displayed in the Popular screen; tab the heart as many as possible if you like what you are seeing.

* What does "Chemi-beat" mean?
As a short form of "chemistry beat," the V team coined the word "Chemi-beat" to express the relationship index between a celeb and me as beat count. Following celebs and watching videos (live or recorded) are ways to increase your "Chemi-beat." We plan to provide additional benefits based on "Chemi-beat" in the near future.

V – Live Broadcasting App APK for Android
+1 Jika anda menyukai Artikel ini