Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

TEKKEN™ APK for Android Terbaru

TEKKEN™ APK for Android Terbaru
TEKKEN™ APK for Android Terbaru
TEKKEN™ APK for Android Terbaru - merupakan salh satu Game khusus buat HP Android ataupun Tablet yang berkategori Action ini memiliki tampilan grafis yang sangat bagus serta memiliki beberapa fitur terbaru dan keren yang terdapat di dalmnya. Game TEKKEN™ APK ini kamu nantinya akan disuguhkan dengan game bertarung yang sangat seru sekali untuk di mainkan mulai dari anak" hingga dewasa akan senang jika memainkan Game TEKKEN™ APK Terbaru ini. Game TEKKEN™ Terbaru ini kamu nantinya akan menjadi salah satu petarung yang dihaaruskan untuk menyelesaikan semua level. Wow seru bukan!!! daripada penasaran langsung saja Download Game TEKKEN™ APK Terbaru pada link yang sudah tersedia di bawah artikel ini.

• Collect over 20 characters with unique fighting styles
• Upgrade and unlock over 20 unique special moves for each fighter
• Battle it out in Unique Game modes including STORY MODE missions, online versus battles in DOJO CHALLENGE and rotating LIVE EVENT challenges!

STORY MODE - Explore the world of TEKKEN
• Join the legendary fighter, Kazuya Mishima, as he battles against his toughest adversary yet! Battle through a map-based campaign featuring unique encounters and specialised and powerful bosses.
• Build specialis+E13ed teams to take down unique missions
• Explore dynamic battle maps to uncover compelling challenges and rewards

DOJO CHALLENGE - Online Versus Battles

• Build a team and battle against your friends and the community in this online versus mode
• Players build teams of attackers and defenders to compete in monthly seasons for unique rewards
• Ranked ladders allow players to progress and measure up against the best players in the world
• Players record and upload their own in-game fighting styles into the AI of their dojo, giving them an authentic feel

LIVE EVENTS - Brand new content to experience daily

• Live events feature daily, weekly and monthly rotating content. A fresh experience every time you play!
• Special themed events will provide unique experiences and encounters
• Rare characters and content available during Special Events

TEKKEN™ APK for Android Terbaru
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